Setting Up a Drink Station

A bar can be a welcoming symbol of hospitality if you like to entertain.
A bar can be a welcoming symbol of hospitality if you like to entertain.

Setting up a bar in your home is a classic and pretty easy way to make a décor statement. Bars signal fun, perhaps more importantly, they’re welcoming.

Some people put a lot of time and expense into setting up a dedicated party space. If you have the square footage to spare, that’s a great option for those who love entertaining. Setting up an actual wet bar is always a topic of conversation and makes your house the first choice for a get-together.

If you don’t have the room or are on a budget, though, there are still plenty of options. Many furniture and home stores carry very cool bars that are easy to set up. Then just stock it with your favorite beverages. But you don’t even have to buy anything if you don’t want to. If you already have a table, credenza or buffet you can easily turn it into a bar by setting out bottles and nice glasses.

A "bar" doesn't have to mean alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea also make a great drink station option.
A “bar” doesn’t have to mean alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea also make a great drink station option.

And bar doesn’t have to mean alcoholic beverages. I’ve seen plenty of people set up coffee and tea bars in their homes, which are both easily accessible for the people who live there and welcoming for guests. If you don’t drink a lot (or at all) then this is also a good option. Setting up something like a bar doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. It just has to be functional.